
Friday, February 15, 2013

Random Bits of Heaven

It's been so wonderful having baby Lizzy Home. Here are a few random pictures of the million we've taken. It's been a wild ride!
 She has my Lips!
 ... And Aaron's facial expressions! LOL
Sleeping Bliss

Elizabeth Grace - "Grace of God"

We were surprised to find out that Aaron's Sister Angie and husband Clint were on their way to visit just shortly after having Lizzy. While they were here they took these wonderful newborn pictures with their neat camera.
Our Lizzy Goose is truly a gift from heaven. Enjoy!
 Can you see her white streak in this one?! On her forehead, Just like her Daddy!

 So Soft and little!
 Pretty Girl has my hands and Aaron's feet! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Elizabeth Grace - A Birth Story

So before I forget, I want to write about the birth story of our dear Elizabeth. Sweet Lizzy Squeeky Goose.

I was contracting for what felt like weeks. Very uncomfortable, heavy pulling and stretching. We went to the hospital twice with what I thought were the right kind of contractions, they had me walk some and humored me, a first time mom thinking she was in labor. They sent me home and said nice things like "your almost there" and "we will see you really soon". I was irritated and just wanted to get the show on the road. Little did I know what I was asking for! Well my (fertility clinic given) due date Jan 14 came and went. On Jan 15 I went in to my OB who checked me and said I was 75% effaced and at 3cm dilated. She stripped my membranes.. (Very weird experience) and I went shopping with mom for a bit at fred meyers. picked up some snack food and dinner. I continued with the "painful" but not consistent contractions all day. That night I took a bath under the direction of my little sister Lacey. It was wonderful to feel the baby kick and enjoy the bath. I knew that this was the last night I would be pregnant and decided to take it all in.. so I did and relaxed as best I could. I went to bed shortly before midnight and woke up at 2 with the most intense pain I had ever felt. Thinking I could breath it out, or perhaps it was gas (all sense leaves the brain when your in labor I think) I went to the bathroom, and discovered blood.. I woke Aaron and we began timing the contractions. We realized immediately that this was the real thing because the intense stabbing worst pains I've ever felt by a million were coming every 3 minutes and were a minute long! We didn't wait for them to get any closer or stronger, I called my bestie Shanae, who lives just a few doors down, in tears. By now its 3 am. She comes over and giggles at me while I cry, " oh this is it!" she said. I wasn't laughing, but I was glad she was amused. She stays with my older kids while we head to the hospital with my Mom who was staying with us and baby boy Eli. This entire time and all the way through labor I have to hold Aaron's hand during each contraction. It was the only thing that brought any kind of comfort. I think he was bruised after it all. It was freezing and on my way into the emergency room in the parking lot I had another contraction.. we all stopped in the cold. I remember it being so painful, I just wanted to sit down on the cold pavement. We eventually made it up to the birthing center after stopping a few more times in the lobby and on the elevator. I was rushed to a bed and checked. Even the nurses knew this was it.. I'm sure the tale tell signs were my red blotched face from crying and my husbands worried look. I was 100% effaced and 5cm dilated. I said give me the juice. There was no way I was going to do that pain any longer than necessary. By 8 am I was given an epideral. Sweet relief... for the time being.They propped me on my side with a peanut pillow between my legs and turned me every so often because the baby was a little sideways in the birth canal. This also helped to speed up dilating. Unfortunately this caused my epidural to pool on one side then the other so I was feeling something most the time. I always had full control of my legs and felt very aware of everything the entire time. The epidural slowed things down just a bit so when the dr came to check me they broke my water and gave me some pitosin. Things went quickly after that and I was trying not to push by 2 waiting for the Dr. Let me tell you, not pushing was nearly as painful as pushing! On a side note, right toward the end when things got intense again I was feeling a wetness on my hospital gown, I wasn't thinking and I literally thought there was something leaking from the cealing. I asked "why is my gown all wet?" It was obvious to everyone else in the room that my milk was coming in and soaking me. They all laughed. I was given a few epidural boosters but I didn't feel much of a difference as the time grew to push. I was feeling everything when the nurse started coaching me. Every contraction came so fast. I'm not ashamed to say I was crying with each push. Aaron stood by me the entire time holding my hand and watching quietly. My friend Shanae came just in time to take baby Eli out to the waiting room while I pushed. At 3:15pm, 45 minutes later a sweet baby girl came out! It was the best and worst moment all rolled up into one. The most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. They helped Aaron cut the cord and then she was immediately placed on my chest. She cried on and off on my chest while they cleaned and patched me up. I had a 2nd degree tear. Ouch! She is so sweet and perfect! We all cried at this point. Sweet Elizabeth stayed  on my chest for an hr and 45 minutes. When they took her to be cleaned and measured they walked me to the bathroom and cleaned me up. From the bathroom I could hear giggling. I asked later what it was about.  Lizzy had been crying consistently since she came out, but as soon as Aaron put his hand on her chest she calmed right down. She truly is Daddy's girl. My stay in the hospital was a short one. They treated me nice. And we left friday morning with our 6lb 1 oz 19'' long bundle of joy.